A monthly peer reviewed journal

Journal Highlights
- ISO 3297:2007
- Soft Copy of Proceedings with ISBN number
- Impact Factor: 4.231
- Double Peer-reviewed Monthly International Journal with free hard copy of Certificates
- Indexing of Research Paper in 80+ Scholarly websites including Google Scholar
- ICV: 63.24
- SCI and ISI indexed reputed Peer reviewed monthly International Journal
- Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is assigned to each research paper
- QR code is assigned to each paper which helps researchers have their unique digital mark
- Globally visited International Journal (Live Statistics at the bottom this page !)
- International Journal of Advanced Research in Management Architecture Technology & Engineering(IJARMATE) is a scholarly online, open access, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary and monthly journal focusing on theories, methods and applications in Engineering and Technology and related fields. We publish original research articles, review articles and technical notes. The journal reviews papers within one week of submission and publishes accepted articles on the internet immediately upon the final version.
- IJARMATE has many benefits which are all geared towards strengthening research skills and advancing academic careers. As by Law of Management, Architecture, Engineering and Technology, Journal publications are a vital part of academic career advancement.
- IJARMATE aims to publish high-quality papers with a specific focus on learning within their specified focus that are accessible and of interest to educators, researchers and academicians. IJARMATE invites authors to submit original and unpublished work that communicates current research on Management, Architecture, Engineering and Technology. Original works are invited in form of research paper/ manuscript. Manuscripts should follow the style of the journal and are subject to both review and editing.
Note to Authors: Kindly note that the research paper cannot be withdrawn at any condition once it is accepted. The Team of IJARMATE advises you not to submit the same article to multiple journals simultaneously as it may create a problem for you. Please wait for review report which will take a maximum of 5 days. Paper must be in IJARMATE format.
Benefits to Authors:
- We provide certificate of publication for all accepted papers which can be used as a proof of publication.
- Upon Request from researchers, we provide full set of hard copy of the accepted research paper which enables to do further research in relevant field.
- Researchers can send Original research papers, Survey / Review articles, providing a comprehensive review on a scientific / research topic, thesis /project works, Extended version of conferences / Journals / Workshops and Technical Notes to be published in this journal whose standard review takes not less than 5 days.
Frequency : 12 issues per year
Subject Category : Management,Architecture, Technology,Engineering & Related fields
Launch of Next Issue :Current Issue
Paper Submission :20th of every month
Author Notification : within 3 days from submission
Journal Publication : 27th of every month
E-mail: ijarmate@gmail.com or editor.ijarmate@gmail.com

- IJARMATE provides free hard copy of Certificates to all of our Authors after publication.
- IJARMATE provides Special Photographed BEST RESEARCH PAPER certificates for all authors of the paper selected for the BEST RESEARCH AWARD every month.
- Upon Request from researchers, we provide full set of hard copy of the accepted research paper which enables to do further research in relevant field.
- Authors have full right to decide either to publish Full-Text or Summaries/Abstracts for their publication in respective dissertation or thesis.
- IJARMATE is a globally accepted Journal. IJARMATE is a group of scientists, Research persons and Learned Scholars, For details, do visit Editorial Section.
- IJARMATE accepts only high quality research papers. Its Average acceptance publication percentage is 40 %.
- IJARMATE is a Non-Profit Non Loss Organization.
- Review process takes not less than 5 days because IJARMATE has a double peer-reviewed process.
- IJARMATE runs online on reputed web host, hence data is available at any time.
Our Features

International Journal of Advanced Research in Management Architecture Technology & Engineering(IJARMATE) is a scholarly online, open access, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary and monthly journal focusing on theories, methods and applications in Engineering and Technology and related fields. Journal publications are a vital part of academic career advancement. Researchers can send Original research papers, Survey / Review articles, providing a comprehensive review on a scientific / research topic, thesis /project works, Extended version of conferences / Journals / Workshops and Technical Notes to be published in this journal whose standard review takes not less than 5 days.
E-mail: ijarmate@gmail.com or editor.ijarmate@gmail.com.

IJARMATE welcomes National/International Conferences to publish their papers/ proceedings to provide opportunity to Engineering & Management Community. Convener can use IJARMATE template in conference after mutual agreement with IJARMATE Editor-in-Chief.
Conference organizers who are interested to publish their selected manuscripts with IJARMATE are requested to make telephonic conversation or send the following details to editor.ijarmate@gmail.com
- Use the IJARMATE Conference Proceedings form , fill the form , scan it and send the soft copy.
- Send Department/College logo and Conference logo to be published in the website

NAT-TECH is a National Level Technical Publication with Summer and Winter Edition organized twice in a year with the aim to showcase the talents of Engineers by publishing their new technical papers from their own home instead of presenting papers. Engineers therefore can receive hard copy of Certificates and Proceedings from their home.
Send your papers to nattech4u@gmail.com

Project Thesis
Authors are invited to submit their original, Dissertations/Thesis/Projects for consideration of publication in IJARMATE proceedings. Dissertation/Thesis can be in the field of Management, Architecture, Technology and Engineering and related disciplines. Submitted dissertations or thesis to IJARMATE must already have been approved by an affiliated department or by research committee.
Submit your papers to ijarmate@gmail.com or editor.ijarmate@gmail.com
The Form where you fill your educational details, details about your co-authors (if any), your Research paper, Volume and Issue details of the Research paper. This is subject to filling this form after receiving acceptance from IJARMATE Team.
Kindly send scanned copy (soft copy) of completed and duly signed Registration form and Transaction slip by email to ijarmate@gmail.com or editor.ijarmate@gmail.com after receiving acceptance from IJARMATE Team
The Form where you hereby transfer the Copyright of the paper and understand that the Editor-in-Chief may transfer the Copyright to a publisher at his/her own discretion. This is subject to filling this form after receiving acceptance from IJARMATE Team.
Kindly send scanned copy (soft copy) of completed and duly signed Registration form and Transaction slip by email to ijarmate@gmail.com or editor.ijarmate@gmail.com after receiving acceptance from IJARMATE Team.
The Template or Paper format with which you prepare your Final Camera Ready Paper accordingly. Do not change the font sizes or line spacing to squeeze more text into a limited number of pages When you submit your final version, after your paper has been accepted, prepare it in two-column format, including figures and tables. Do not put borders around the outside of your figures. All authors can have the option to include biographies with photo at the end of regular papers.
Send your valuable research papers to ijarmate@gmail.com or editor.ijarmate@gmail.com